dinner was very warm, smelly and noisy.
nah, didnt join the rest for lakehouse, went for that kind of dinner thats everywhere this time of the yr, if you know what i mean.
her hair is greying fast, his wrinkles on the forehead seem to deepen.
his stubborness and standing firm in principles i use to admire, but it seems to be the greatest obstacle for him to ever crossing the line.
i know, but dont really know his agony. i know that guy broke his heart, but i dont see how i can help, yet again, i feel that my position is strategically planned by Him. if only i think alittle of me like how He thinks the world of me.
her sacrifices i see, and i thank God. i know it isnt where she truly want to be, her submissiveness, it awes me.
today did i actually realise i do love them.
what a mel post.
anw rachel, im gg to lakehse w you real soon k (: